
Energy-saving tips

      • To save the most energy, switch off the power point rather than leave appliances on standby.
      • Turn off your heater, cooling units and appliances when you go to bed or leave the house.
      • Switch off your computer and equipment such as printers or Wi-Fi routers overnight or when you’re away. Most computers have energy-saving settings that will turn the computer and screen off after a period of inactivity.

Energy-efficient bulbs could save up to 80% off your lighting costs. This is because LED bulbs use less power and last longer. That means you spend less money and time replacing them.

      • Shut doors to areas you’re not using, and only cool or heat the rooms where you spend the most time.
      • In cooler months, make sure your curtains or blinds seal your windows properly.
      • Stop cool air leaking out by blocking draughts around doors and windows.
      • In warmer months, keep your curtains closed during the day.
      • External blinds or canvas awnings will also help keep your house cooler.
      • Wait until your machine is full before starting a washing cycle.
      • Washing clothes in cold water can save around $115 per year.
      • You can also save by selecting the shortest appropriate washing cycle.
      • Clothes dryers use lots of energy. Hang clothes outside to dry or use a fan to help dry them indoors.
      • Fridge

        Your fridge runs 24/7 and is one of your most expensive appliances.

        • The ideal fridge temperature for your freezer is 4 or 5 degrees Celsius and -15 to -18 degrees.
        • Ensure the fridge door seal is tight and that no gaps or cracks let cold air escape.
        • If you have a second fridge or freezer, only turn it on when needed.


        • Put frozen food in your fridge in the morning to thaw out and reduce cooking time in the evening.
        • When cooking, use the microwave when you can. Microwaves use much less energy than an electric oven.
        • Using a stove, keep lids on pots to reduce cooking time.
        • Plan to cook more and have leftover meals for the next day or the whole week. Keep leftover meals in the freezer.

An insulated ceiling can make a big difference to your energy bills. Effective ceiling insulation can save you up to 20% on cooling cost

Using solar electricity you generate can reduce the amount of energy you need to buy from your retailer. Solar hot water systems can also help you avoid gas charges using a gas-fired water heater.

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